26 government bodies in Iran involved in suppression of women



NCRI – Mullah Ahmad Khatami, the regime’s interim Friday prayers leader in Tehran, on Friday reiterated the legality to suppression of women in Iran based on the regime’s fundamentalist laws.

“The law to combat mal-veiling has been adopted as part of the 2007 Act approved by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution. According to this Act, 26 governmental bodies must get to work. This Act consists of 310 Articles specifying duties to be implemented by these governmental bodies,” he said.

Last week the mullahs’ regime launched a new plan to suppress women for “improper veiling.” It deployed some 7,000 so-called undercover ‘morality police officers’ in Tehran tasked with suppressing women on the streets and alerting official law enforcement agencies of instances of “mal-veiling” and other “violations” of the mullahs’ fundamentalist laws.

Khatami said: “In the police’s plan, the fight against improper veiling is stressed as legal and kind, and these measures are only undertaken by police officers. Thanks a lot to them.”

Khatami also expressed his fear of the spread and universality of internet technology.

He stipulated: “There is now a major war in the cultural arena especially in cyberspace. This war is ongoing in websites, foreign channels, audiovisual and print media, in the field of books and movies as well. These are the weapons of the soft war.”

Commenting on the recent plan to crack down on women in Iran, Ms. Farideh Karimi, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and a human rights activist, last week said:

“Suppression of women is further institutionalized in Iran with each passing day. The regime’s suppressive institutions are ever more blatantly cracking down on women. This has been a tenet of the mullahs’ regime from its outset.

The addition of 7000 forces dedicated to the suppression of women and further gender discrimination speaks well of the reality that Hassan Rouhani is no different from the other mullahs and the hopes for an improvement of women’s rights in Iran which some had advocated at the start of Rouhani’s tenure as President are a mirage.

According to the regime’s laws, Rouhani has the authority to halt the new suppressive measures against women. By refusing to do so, he is in practice endorsing them.”

The Iranian regime has hanged at least 66 women and 2,300 men since Hassan Rouhani took office as President in 2013.
