Not 1,000, But 3,000 Iranian militants have been killed in Syria


Iran has sent military fighters from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, to prop up Assad regime [File Photo]
Al Arabia Arabic language asked on Tuesday, November 22, 2016 that ‘is the number of Iranian mercenaries killed in Syria just 1,000?’ The report adds that ‘according to unofficial statistics, more than 3,000 Iranian military personnel have been killed in Syria while repressing the Syrian people’s protest and during the conflict with the armed oppositions’.
Speaking on the occasion of the ‘Week of Mobilization’, Iran’s director of Shahid Foundation said on Tuesday, November 22, ‘the number of combatants killed in Syria while defending the Shrines have surpassed 1,000 people.’
Iranian regime calls its thousands of mercenaries who are sent to Syria to prop up the bloody Syrian dictator Assad, as ‘the defenders of Shrines.’
