While the second phase of U.S. sanctions against Iranian regime will soon be implemented, the terrorist activity of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence in Denmark has put the mullahs in a difficult situation.
The German News Service wrote: “In a situation where the countdown to Iranian oil embargo by the United States on November 4 has already started, and Iranian officials are negotiating with Europe to reduce the effect of these sanctions, a new controversy for the Islamic Republic is going to shadow the fate of these talks.”
After Iranian regime was accused of assassinating their opponents in Denmark, Anders Samuelson, Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, recalled his ambassador in Tehran and said he would talk with Denmark’s allies and partners, including Europe, over possible sanctions against Iranian regime.
Meanwhile, Danish Prime Minister, Lars Loekke Rasmussen, met with the UK’s Prime Minister Theresa May at a meeting of the leaders of Nordic countries in Oslo and thanked her for supporting Denmark’s positions and said: We will stand in close cooperation with the United Kingdom and other countries to confront Iran (regime).
On Tuesday, both Denmark’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister described the alleged Iranian terror attack in Denmark as “totally unacceptable.”
Danish authorities fearing a terror plot in Denmark launched a massive operation on September 28 in eastern parts of Denmark. A 39-year old Norwegian-Iranian whose identity is not yet revealed was finally arrested on October 21 in Gothenburg, Sweden. According to Danish security service chief, the Iranian regime had planned the terror plot in Denmark targeting the life a separatist movement leader.
The U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, also responded promptly, announcing his support for Denmark and congratulating this country for arresting another Iranian intelligence agent on charges of assassination attempt, and wrote in a Twitter message: “We congratulate the government of Denmark on its arrest of an Iranian regime assassin. For nearly 40 years, Europe has been the target of Iran-sponsored terrorist attacks. We call on our allies and partners to confront the full range of Iran’s threat to peace and security.”
Moreover, in a meeting held on Wednesday, the foreign ministers of five Scandinavian countries issued a joint statement expressing grave concerns over efforts made by the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence & Security (MOIS) to carry out a murder plot on Danish soil.
The top diplomats of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland expressed full solidarity with their Danish friends and allies and said they are taking this issue very seriously, emphasizing that such measures are completely unacceptable.
This is not the first case of terror plot by Iranian regime in Europe in recent months. On June 30, 2018, a terror plot blueprinted by Tehran to bomb the “Free Iran 2018” gathering in Villepinte near Paris was discovered and foiled by Belgian authorities that included the arrest of an Iranian diplomat and five other individuals in Belgium, Germany and France including a Belgian-Iranian couple that were in possession of 500 grams of TAPT – an explosive favored by terrorists – and a detonator. The couple were heading towards the gathering hall in Paris to implement their terrorist attack.
In a recent video message on October 4, focusing on the Iranian regime’s new wave of terrorism and the reactions from Europe and the United States, the Iranian opposition President Maryam Rajavi said the most destructive type of appeasement in the face of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran is remaining silent following its terror attacks. Unfortunately, this policy is widely witnessed today in Europe. This is a mistake and Iranian refugees and Europe’s security will be paying the price.
She emphasized that a firm policy is necessary against Iranian regime and the regime’s terrorist dossiers must be made public. She called on the European countries to close Iranian regime’s embassies, the known espionage and terror centers, and not to do any business with companies linked to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and other state-controlled firms. Any such deals with these entities will be tantamount to financing terrorism.
“To prevent the Iranian regime’s terror plots in European countries, the European Union should implement its 29 April 1997 initiative on the Iranian regime’s operatives and intelligence agents,” she added.
Mrs. Rajavi also said the perpetrators of crimes against humanity in the past 40 years in Iran must face justice and urged western countries not to remain silent in the face of executions, torture of the prisoners and other human rights violations in Iran.